Home Sleep Testing Specialist
Michael N. Newton MD
Pulmonology & Sleep Specialists located in Tampa, FL
Underlying sleep apnea can increase your risk of heart disease and other long-term health issues. At the office of Michael N. Newton MD, in Tampa, Florida, you can undergo home sleep testing that monitors how well you’re breathing at night. Dr. Newton offers comprehensive services to diagnose and treat snoring, sleep apnea, and other sleep-related disorders. Learn more about the diagnostic benefits of a home sleep study by calling the office of Michael N. Newton MD, or by scheduling an appointment online today.
Home Sleep Testing Q & A
What is a home sleep study?
A home sleep study is a non-invasive, effective way to diagnose sleep disorders like sleep apnea and identify factors that contribute to loud snoring while you sleep.
During a sleep study, you follow your usual bedtime routine and habits while wearing a device that monitors your breathing and oxygen levels. You wear the monitor while you sleep to record information about your breathing over the many hours.
What happens during home sleep testing?
Generally, Dr. Newton orders a home sleep study for just one night before reviewing the results. He provides information before your test to ensure you’re using the sleep monitor device properly, so your results are accurate.
The sleep study monitor uses several sensors that you place on your chest and abdomen to measure the rise and fall of your chest when you breathe. You also put a sensor probe over your finger to measure your oxygen levels.
The sleep study monitor connects to a mask with attached tubes that fit into your nostrils. As you breathe, the mask records information about how much air you’re taking in while asleep.
Because you’re able to sleep in your own bed and surroundings, a home sleep study can help pinpoint the cause of your snoring or confirm sleep apnea without inconvenience to you.
What can I expect after a home sleep study?
When you wake up for the day, you can remove the mask and sensors before starting your usual routine. Dr. Newton reviews your home sleep study results once you complete it, to determine if you need treatment.
If you have snoring issues or sleep apnea, Dr. Newton creates a treatment plan to improve your breathing. This plan may include using an oral appliance or a CPAP machine to keep your airways from collapsing. Dr. Newton may also suggest lifestyle changes, such as establishing a regular bedtime routine and avoiding stimulants before you go to sleep.
To find out if you’re a candidate for a home sleep study, schedule a consultation with Dr. Newton by calling the office of Michael N. Newton MD, or booking an appointment online today.
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