Lung Cancer Screening Specialist
Michael N. Newton MD
Pulmonology & Sleep Specialists located in Tampa, FL
Over 234,000 new lung cancer cases are diagnosed every year in the United States. At the office of Michael N. Newton MD in Tampa, Florida, you can receive a comprehensive lung cancer screening to identify the disease in its earliest stages. If you smoke or have other risk factors for lung cancer, you can schedule a lung cancer screening by calling the office of Michael N. Newton or by booking an appointment online today.
Lung Cancer Screening Q & A
What is lung cancer screening?
A lung cancer screening is a preventive test that evaluates the health of your looks and checks for early signs of cancerous cells. You can undergo this type of screening if you have risk factors for lung cancer but aren’t showing any symptoms.
Lung cancer screening aims to detect lung cancer in the earliest stages when treatment is typically most effective. As lung cancer is the leading type of cancer death, it’s important that you have routine screenings if Dr. Newton recommends them.
Why would I need lung cancer screening?
You might be a candidate for a lung cancer screening if you have a family history of lung cancer, a personal history of smoking, and are between 55 and 80. Even if you’ve quit smoking within the last 15 years, Dr. Newton may recommend that you have a preventive evaluation.
Lung cancer screenings are especially important for heavy smokers who smoke one pack of cigarettes a day for a year or more.
Dr. Newton reviews your medical history, your family history, and your smoking history to determine if a lung cancer screening is right for you. He can also provide you with resources to successfully quit smoking and reduce your risk factors for lung cancer and other pulmonary diseases.
What’s involved in lung cancer screening?
To evaluate the health of your lungs and identify cancer, Dr. Newton uses low-dose computerized tomography (LDCT) scan technology.
During your screening, you can expect to lie comfortably on an exam table. The table moves through the LDCT machine throughout the scan. You will need to stay still as the device creates images of your lungs and will need to hold your breath at certain times to ensure the pictures are clear.
Your lung scan will take only a few minutes to complete. Once complete, you can resume your usual activities without limitations or downtime.
Dr. Newton reviews the results of your lung cancer screening. If the scan shows any abnormalities, such as spots on your lungs or signs of other pulmonary conditions, he can discuss your options for further testing and treatment.
To find out if you’re a candidate for a lung cancer screening, contact the office of Michael N. Newton MD by phone or book an appointment online today.
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