Lung Cancer Specialist
Michael N. Newton MD
Pulmonology & Sleep Specialists located in Tampa, FL
The office of Michael Newton MD in Tampa, Florida, offers comprehensive and compassionate services for lung cancer. As a skilled pulmonologist, Dr. Newton specializes in evaluating lung cancer symptoms like persistent coughing and shortness of breath. He customizes a treatment plan based on the stage of cancer to keep your symptoms under control and slow the progression of the disease. If you’re spitting up blood or find it difficult to catch your breath, call the office of Michael N. Newton MD or book an appointment online today.
Lung Cancer Q & A
What is lung cancer?
Your lungs are spongy organs that take in oxygen when you breathe. When cells in your lungs mutate, they can begin growing out of control and form a cancerous tumor.
Smoking is one of the most common causes of lung cancer. However, you can develop cancer if you don’t smoke or expose yourself to secondhand smoke. Your risk for lung cancer increases if you have a family history of the disease.
What are the symptoms of lung cancer?
In the earliest stages, lung cancer typically doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms. As your disease progresses, you may experience:
- Chest pain
- Hoarseness
- Persistent cough
- Shortness of breath
Lung cancer can also cause you to cough up small amounts of blood.
Symptoms of lung cancer correlate to other types of pulmonary conditions, so it’s important you schedule a diagnostic evaluation of any symptoms with Dr. Newton right away.
How is lung cancer diagnosed?
To confirm or rule out lung cancer, you may need chest X-rays or other diagnostic imaging of your lungs. Dr. Newton may also collect a sample of the material you cough up for further testing at a medical lab.
If he suspects you have precancerous or cancerous cells, you may need a biopsy, a surgical procedure to remove a sample of lung tissue for additional testing.
Dr. Newton also works to identify the stage of your cancer and determine if the disease is spreading beyond your lungs and into other parts of your body.
How is lung cancer treated?
Treatment for lung cancer depends on its stage and your symptoms. Often, people need surgery to remove cancerous lung tissue or portions of your lung. In some cases, Dr. Newton may recommend removing nearby lymph nodes to prevent cancer spread.
Chemotherapy and radiation to destroy any remaining cancerous cells are also common treatment options. Dr. Newton can determine if you’re a candidate for these therapies based on your medical history and the severity of your disease.
Dr. Newton works with you on a treatment plan to keep your symptoms under control and reduce your risk for life-threatening complications from lung cancer.
If you have symptoms of lung cancer, don’t delay a diagnostic evaluation. Call the office of Michael N. Newton MD or schedule an appointment online today.
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