Insomnia Specialist
Michael N. Newton MD
Pulmonology & Sleep Specialists located in Tampa, FL
If you’re always tired because you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep, you’re not alone. At the office of Michael N. Newton MD, in Tampa, Florida, experienced pulmonologist Dr. Newton specializes in diagnosing the underlying cause of insomnia using home sleep studies. He customizes a treatment plan for your needs to improve your sleep quality. Whether you suffer from occasional or chronic insomnia, you can find relief by calling the office of Michael N. Newton MD, or by scheduling an appointment online today.
Insomnia Q & A
What is insomnia?
Insomnia is a condition where you experience ongoing difficulty falling asleep (sleep-onset insomnia) or staying asleep (sleep-maintenance insomnia). You may also have insomnia if you aren’t able to get high-quality sleep most nights.
Short-term insomnia describes sleep difficulties that last less than three months. When you experience insomnia symptoms at least three times a week for three months or longer, your diagnosis may be chronic insomnia.
In addition to feeling tired during the day, insomnia can cause mood swings, memory issues, and difficulties concentrating.
What causes insomnia?
Several factors may cause hyperarousal before you go to bed. Hyperarousal is an alert state that your body experiences because of physical, mental, or environmental factors – all of which can contribute to your insomnia.
Some common causes of hyperarousal that can lead to insomnia include:
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Nicotine
- Restless leg syndrome
- Mental health disorders
Insomnia may be a side effect of chronic health conditions that cause pain and other symptoms that disrupt your sleep.
Your lifestyle may also play a role in insomnia. If you don’t have a set bedtime routine, take long naps during the day, or use your television or cell phone excessively before bed, you may develop insomnia.
Dr. Newton can identify your insomnia’s underlying cause by reviewing your medical history and your sleep habits. He may recommend a home sleep study that uses a portable device to monitor important details about your health while you sleep.
How is insomnia treated?
If you have short-term insomnia, Dr. Newton can work with you on lifestyle changes to improve your sleep habits. These changes may include:
- Quitting smoking
- Limiting alcohol
- Not eating late at night
- Getting 30 minutes of exercise daily
- Shutting off electronics at least an hour before bed
- Following a schedule of sleep and wake-up times
If your insomnia is chronic, Dr. Newton may prescribe medications in addition to recommending lifestyle changes. In some cases, you may need cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to improve your sleep quality.
Dr. Newton ensures you have the resources you need to manage underlying health conditions that may affect your sleep.
If you need solutions to treat your insomnia, call the office of Michael N. Newton MD, or schedule a diagnostic evaluation online today.
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