
Michael N. Newton MD

Pulmonology & Sleep Specialists located in Tampa, FL

What is Inspire® therapy? 

Inspire therapy is a mask-free1 solution for people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who have tried and struggled with CPAP. Through a simple-to-use system including the Inspire® implant, Inspireremote and Inspire® app, Inspire therapy enables you to control your OSA treatment from the palm of  your hand.

How does Inspire therapy work

During sleep, your tongue relaxes. For people with OSA, your tongue relaxes into a position that blocks your airway. While other OSA therapies use a hose and mask to force air through your airway, the Inspire implant works comfortably inside your body to sense when you take a breath. Then, it delivers gentle pulses that move your tongue forward to keep your airway open, helping you breathe regularly and sleep soundly. Simply use the small handheld Inspire® remote to turn your therapy on when youre ready to sleep.

Is Inspire therapy right for you?

To be a candidate for Inspire therapy, you must meet the following FDA indications:
Age 18 or older
Diagnosed with moderate to severe OSA
Have tried and struggled with CPAP
Get Started!
The first step is to schedule a consultation with our team. Well discuss your current therapy, provide
details on Inspire therapy and answer your questions.

Inspire is not for everyone. It is a surgically implanted system that is intended to treat obstructive sleep apnea in patients who are not
effectively treated by, or able to tolerate CPAP. Talk to your doctors about risks, benefits and expectations associated with Inspire. Risks
associated with the surgical implant procedure may include infection and temporary tongue weakness. In rare cases tongue paresis and The Inspire implant keeps your
airway open while you sleep, so you can breathe regularly and sleep soundly. The handheld Inspire remote simply turns on your therapy when youre ready to sleep. No
mask or hose required. The Inspire app tracks your sleep goals and allows you to share data directly with your doctor.